Do you want to register a business in the Philippines?
Here are the government agencies that a business needs to register with depending on company formation:
Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) – This is the government agency where single proprietorship enterprises register and secure its certificate of registration.
Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) – This is the government agency responsible for the registration and supervision of all corporations and partnerships organized in the Philippines. Licensing of representative offices and branch offices is likewise under this agency.
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) – This is the government agency mandated by law to assess and collect all national internal revenue taxes, fees, and charges. All types of business entities are required to be registered here.
Department of Labor & Employment (DOLE) – DOLE promotes gainful employment opportunities, protects workers, and promotes their welfare, development human resources and maintain industrial peace. DOLE likewise handles the issuance of Alien Employment Permits (AEP).
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) – This is the government agency which accredits all types of cooperatives in the Philippines.
Philippines Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) – This is the government agency which require all employers and employees to be registered. The National Health Insurance Program under this is aimed at providing health insurance coverage and ensure affordable health care services for all citizens of the Philippines.
Social Security System (SSS) – This is the government agency where employers and employees are required to be registered. Funded through mandatory payroll contribution, this is where citizens who are retired, currently unemployed or unemployable due to disability are assisted.
Various Local Government Units (LGU) – Where local government permits and licenses necessary for the operation of the business are secured.