Transfer Pricing Landscape in the Philippines: Trends & Implications in Doing Business in the Philippines and APAC
InCorp Philippines (formerly Kittelson and Carpo Consulting), in partnership with the European Chamber of Commerce Philippines (ECCP), held a webinar entitled, “TRANSFER PRICING LANDSCAPE: TRENDS AND IMPLICATIONS IN DOING BUSINESS IN THE PHILIPPINES AND APAC.” The webinar discussed the salient trends in the transfer pricing landscape in the region and how such changes affect business trends for enterprises in the Philippines and Asia-Pacific.
This webinar was live on stream via Zoom on Thursday, 18th of November 2021, from 10:300 AM to 12:00 NN (GMT +8).
Event Overview:
Over the years, the Transfer Pricing landscape in the Philippines has evolved rapidly, adapting to the changes in current economic trends caused by factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The country’s efforts to simplify and streamline its taxation system provided many changes towards doing business in the Philippines.
Recently, the Philippine Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) released Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) 54-2021 to clarify and reiterate certain provisions provided under Revenue Regulations (RR) 34-2020, which discusses the guidelines for Transfer Pricing procedures in the Philippines.
In the ECCP webinar entitled, “Transfer Pricing Landscape: Trends and Implications in Doing Business in the Philippines and APAC,” participants were given a better understanding of the Transfer Pricing Landscape in the Philippines, its procedures, trends, and its effects on doing business in the country and the Asia-Pacific region.
We invited Eric Chin, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO) of InCorp Global, Atty. Kim Patrick Dayos, from Carpo Law and Associates, Mark Pizaña, Associate Director of AHC Certified Public Accountants, and Nipun Arora, Transfer Pricing Divison Director of InCorp Global to provide insight into the Transfer Pricing Landscape in the Philippines.
The event was live on stream via Zoom on Thursday, November 18, 2021, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM.